Clearing the FOG with co-hosts Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese

Wildfires are raging around the world, creating a negative feedback loop for the climate by releasing greenhouse gases and destroying the forests' capacity to sequester carbon. The United States is on track to be the biggest producer of oil and gas in the 2020's. According to Global Witness, seven of the top ten producers of new fossil fuels are states in the US, with Texas producing nearly four times more than Canada and almost ten times more than Russia. Democratic Party leadership is preventing a presidential debate on climate and is suppressing efforts to develop a Green New Deal. Scientists say that we don't have any time left to take action on the climate. We should have made changes decades ago. In response, climate activism is escalating. We speak with Greg Schwedock of the Extinction Rebellion in New York City about actions being planned this fall and the current political environment.

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Direct download: CtF_Show_8_26_19.mp3
Category:News Commentary -- posted at: 7:44pm EST

Protests have been escalating in Hong Kong this year with tens of thousands of people taking the streets and aggressive actions such as occupying the airport and attacking journalists. What started in April as opposition to an extradition law has erupted into a 'pro-democracy' and racist anti-China movement that is supported by the US corporate media and members of Congress. It has the markings of a color revolution. We speak with author and activist K. J. Noh about the protests - who is behind them and what they want - and about Hong Kong's relationship to China. He describes the ways that China differs from traditional western politics and development. As China rises, it is critical to understand these differences and how they impact the shifting global power dynamics.

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Direct download: CtF_Show_8_19_19.mp3
Category:News Commentary -- posted at: 11:20am EST

In a textbook United States regime change operation, wealthy businessmen manufactured a revolution in Hawai'i and executed a coup d'état in 1893. The Queen of the Hawai'ian Kingdom surrendered the administration of the country, but never its sovereignty. A Hawai'ian Kingdom government continues to operate to this day and is working to regain its sovereignty. We speak with Hawai'ian Kingdom Foreign Minister Leon Siu about the story of Hawai'i's struggle for independence and the broken promises of the US government over the past century. This struggle is escalating through the current protests at Mauna Kea and has big plans in store this fall. We discuss where people in the US can learn more and how to support the Hawai'ian independence movement.

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Direct download: CtF_Show_8_12_19.mp3
Category:News Commentary -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

The United States has long considered itself to be above the law, and it has gotten away with it by manufacturing public support for its actions, no matter how heinous, through the myths that we are better than everyone else and that we mean well even when things don't work out. Roberto Sirvent and Danny Haiphong's new book busts through these myths and shows why all of the problems of today are consistent with the history of what "America" has always been. Every chapter exposes truths and raises questions about who we really are. We can only live up to the values we claim to support if we understand these hard truths and recognize that to fix anything, we must fix everything. While it sounds daunting, the world is changing and this book provides essential knowledge for a path to a better place.

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Direct download: CtF_show_8_5_19.mp3
Category:News Commentary -- posted at: 6:52pm EST